2017-01-02 01:47:21 UTC
The USA has divided with new modern weapons knocking out memories and robbing wealth. In addition look out for traps on dating sites and such diecgo predators of the lower end and the higher end.
The USA may break up but as a brain stroke survivor in my own opinion all of mankind would be better off with a quick mercy killing.
We are being swamped by the merciless hordes. Let us welcome the end of tyranny even if by blood just as in the days of old.
Booze is used to destroy memories that couple with drugs and such. Very dangerous.
Legalize cannabis but I say know of cancer like cigarettes. The illegal Marijuana is used to target and addict cocaine and heroin users
Google plus kurt brown saintrambone mobile audit club
Once I awakened from a 30 year walking coma I realized I hate California and all American cities We are abused by those in power and their followers. Let us pray for the end of our endlsvement in the south east USA and for an end to the abuse by the enemies to mankind in California and those in American and global cities
The USA may break up but as a brain stroke survivor in my own opinion all of mankind would be better off with a quick mercy killing.
We are being swamped by the merciless hordes. Let us welcome the end of tyranny even if by blood just as in the days of old.
Booze is used to destroy memories that couple with drugs and such. Very dangerous.
Legalize cannabis but I say know of cancer like cigarettes. The illegal Marijuana is used to target and addict cocaine and heroin users
Google plus kurt brown saintrambone mobile audit club
Once I awakened from a 30 year walking coma I realized I hate California and all American cities We are abused by those in power and their followers. Let us pray for the end of our endlsvement in the south east USA and for an end to the abuse by the enemies to mankind in California and those in American and global cities